Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Baby for My Blanket :)

I have enjoyed knitting a blanket for each of my grandbabies before their arrival. Since I am not an outstanding or fast knitter, I have scrambled to finish each blanket before the arrival date! When the last one (Little Guy) arrived last June, I decided to get a jump start on another blanket. I do enjoy having a knitting project on the go; it is nice to have something to do if the family is watching a movie that I am not particularly riveted to or when I'm sitting in the back of Lucas's 3 hour speech class.

Since there was no baby on the way, I chose a cotton yarn in a nice, fresh, variegated green. As my blanket has been progressing, I have thought and wondered about the little one that might occupy it. It was nearing completion and I thought maybe it would just have to be tucked away on a shelf for awhile. But...

We recently got news that there will be a baby for my blanket! Now as I finish up the last inches, I can pray for the little one that, Lord willing, will be swaddled in it next August!

We rejoice!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Preserving a Piece of History...

 A recent project I completed was to frame a small piece of a quilt made by my paternal grandmother. She hand-pieced and quilted this double wedding ring quilt as a wedding gift for my parents, more than 60 years ago now. My parents used the quilt for many years until it became threadbare and badly worn in many places. I think it was destined for the scrap pile when I claimed it some years ago with the intent of somehow salvaging part of it. It sat in a closet for years, but having just remodeled our master bedroom, it seemed like a good time to do something with the quilt.

 From the close up picture, you can see how badly worn much of the quilt was, but I found a section that was intact enough to frame. I just bought an inexpensive framed canvas art piece at the local discount store and used that as a frame to wrap and staple the quilt around. Now it is hanging on our newly painted wall.

This is a picture of me as a toddler sitting on my grandmother's knee. She has been gone from this world for over 30 years, but I have many childhood memories of time spent with her. I also have some beautiful crocheted doilies that she made. She was a homesteading immigrant to the Canadian prairies in the early 1900s. The quilt and doilies are not only keepsakes from my grandmother, but are tributes to the fact that she and many other homesteading women who lived very hard lives, still found time to create beautiful things for their homes and families.

I love that the framed piece of my grandmother's quilt hangs on our wall just feet away from the beautiful quilt our daughters created much more recently. Women, separated by 3 generations and 90 years, but sharing the gift of creativity and love of family!