This pot sits next to our front garage entry and has a coleus, some begonias, alyssum and creeping jenny, all thriving nicely!
This is one of my favorite barrels, near our fire pit area. It is planted with a geranium, verbena, lantana and alyssum.This is a close up of the pink and yellow lantana. It blooms profusely!
Here are some of my zinnias and dahlias. The zinnias have been fun to grow; there are so many varied colors and styles, and they make nice cutting flowers to bring into the house.
This barrel is on our patio and has an assortment of some perennials and some impatiens and alyssum.
This miniature rose blooms profusely in a barrel next to our guest trailer.
This barrel with some fern and an abutilon (chinese lantern) was moved this spring into our shade garden and it has been thriving in it's new location. This photo isn't very close up, but the pink blossoms hang delicately like tissue paper lanterns. They are so pretty!Hope you've enjoyed a little tour of my yard flowers!