Monday, September 14, 2015


 Our apple tree didn't produce a huge crop this year, due in part to general neglect! The tree didn't get very much water nor did the fruit get thinned at all. Nonetheless, we did get a number of apples. This photo was taken after we had already used several batches so doesn't represent the total.

Naomi has done most of the processing of them. We have done a couple batches of applesauce as well as having a couple of apple desserts. Most recently she has taken to making "bite-sized apple fritters" and they are so good! She got the recipe from Becky who also makes very yummy apple fritters.

We will be bringing the recipe with us on our next visit to Canada!


 So Delicious!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Family Camping... Finale

The campground where we were camping has a full mile of beach on the Russian River. We had looked forward to some water play, but arrived to find warnings about toxic blue-green algae present in the river. We chose to skip swimming, but enjoyed a day of kayaking on the river.

The little folks had their water fun in the campground with buckets of water and dollar store water squirters!
Lucas in the kayak...
Naomi in the kayak...
Naomi couldn't resist at least wading in the river!
Melody in the kayak...
Bob, after returning to the beach...
This little guy got to go kayaking with his dad!
Finally... I had to include this photo of the youngest camper, taking his nap in our trailer!
And one photo (thanks to Miss M), that documents that I was actually there too!
And lastly... Grandpa hitching up the trailer, with Mr. O's help, ready to pull out...until next year!
Farewell Summer!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Family Camping... Part 3

Food... and dirt... two inevitables of camping! We had plenty of both!

Part of the fun of camping is all the fun food. We indulged in bacon and egg breakfasts every morning and brought yummy campfire food. Most everyone tried to keep their meals simple with minimum prep and clean-up, but it all tastes delicious when you're living outdoors.

Here are moms making food...
And Lucas fixing his breakfast...

 And here are some little folks enjoying their food...
 And of course the morning coffee...
And now for the dirt! All of the grandkids had great fun plying in the dirt, but the little boys particularly were very busy with their construction vehicles and shovels.I must say I have great admiration for all the moms, who just let them "go to it" and simply cleaned them up (sort of) before putting them in the tent for bed.
Check back for the finale tomorrow!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Family Camping... Part 2

I didn't really get any great photos that showed our actual campsites. We had two neighboring campsites. On one we had our trailer and Lucas's tent. This was also the site where we had evening campfires which usually did not include the littles as they were all off to bed (or at least their parents were trying to get them off to bed). The second site was home to 3 family tents, Crandon and Angela's, Peter and Melody's and Jordan and Becky's. It also had the screen room which served as a place to corral babies and toys.
The campground had two nice playgrounds, which the little ones enjoyed...
...and the "not so little" ones as well!
There was a large grassy area across from our campsites that had a volleyball net and horseshoe pits; it served as a great place to run and play and it was full of quite bold gophers that would pop their heads up to the delight of the kids.

Tomorrow... food... and dirt!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Family Camping... Part 1

This summer we endeavored to do a family camping trip. It was a challenge to find some days that worked for most of the family... we settled on the last week of August and chose a nearby campground on the Russian River that allowed family to come and go as needed. Everyone was able to join us for some amount of time with the exception of Timothy and Jessica, who were having their own adventures up in Canada!

I have such an assortment of random photos that I will try to post them in groups over the next several days.


Naomi brought her guinea pigs camping, which may sound rather odd, but it seemed easier than trying to find a "sitter" for them and as we have a spacious trailer it seemed that it would be just as easy to take them. They had to "camp" in their small travelling cage, but they did get plenty of visits from the little folks!
Lucas had never "tented" as we had upgraded to trailer camping when he was just a little guy, so he decided he wanted to camp in his own tent, which was set up next door to us! Actually, I think he was mostly opposed to sharing quarters with the guinea pigs!
Biking was a popular activity at the campground; many had brought bikes and those that didn't shared the bikes that were there. There were lots of roads in the campground and some ventured out of the campground to ride, and the little folks rode in the campsite or with mom and dad.
Angela and Crandon have a cargo bike that can accommodate two or more kids!
Another fun activity was feeding the ducks at the duck pond. The general store sold a cone full of duck feed for 25 cents. The grands enjoyed depositing their quarters and filling their cones!
This little guy was more interested in throwing rocks into the water than feeding the ducks!

Check back soon for more camping adventures!