How can it be that this little guy grew up to be a man in just a few
blinks of the eye? I'm sure that from his perspective, it has taken
forever... but as every parent knows, it seems to happen overnight!
weekend Lucas will officially "graduate", meaning that he has completed
the requirements of his parents as well as the state of California to
be awarded a high school diploma. As a homeschooling family we like to
think of education as an environment and a lifestyle... so in that sense
graduation is just the end of one chapter and the beginning of another!
Lucas was a little guy he was quite outgoing and uninhibited; today he
is generally a more quiet and reserved guy, but he definitely has a
quirky sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic as anyone who has
seen him perform one of his interpretive speeches knows!
highlights of his high school years have been speech club and ballroom
dancing. Through these activities he has gained many lifelong skills as
well as some great friends.
Some interesting (and perhaps not so well known) information about Lucas:
He likes country music and vintage cars.
He loves pizza and he eats peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches.
He is a great carpet bowler and bowls with a "senior's group" whenever he visits his grandparents.
He can be found practicing his dance routines out on our sport court after dark.
He owns more formal wear than all the other men in our family put together!
we love you and consider you a great blessing to our family. We look
forward to seeing how the future adventures of your life unfold as you use your God-given talents to serve Him!
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
Here are some more of the great senior photos that Becky took for us...
And here is the great group of students that he is graduating with...
Congratulations Lucas!