Thursday, May 26, 2016

Our Menagerie...

Currently the animals outnumber the humans in our household!

Naomi has enjoyed her two guinea pigs, Sweet Pea and Sapphire, for almost 3 years now. She is a very devoted "mommy" to her piggies - giving them lots of love and attention. In fact she has trained Sapphire to raise a small flag on a flagpole. It is very cute! I will try to upload a video soon and post it.

Recently she adopted 2 more guinea pigs into her "piggy" household. These are two sisters about 1 1/2 years old. Their owner needed to find a new home for them. On the left is Butterscotch and on the right is Oreo. Those are the names they came with and Naomi thought they were cute and well suited! The guinea pigs are still getting used to each other and have had a few "squabbles"!
Below is a picture of all four of them together... on our kitchen floor! (when did I agree to have guinea pigs loose in the house?)
On top of doubling our guinea pig population, we are puppy-sitting for Angela and Crandon who are on vacation. "Hank" is a very adorable puppy that they adopted from the local animal shelter. He was one of nine pups that lost their mother at a very young age. He is currently about 11 weeks old. They believe him to be a mix of Lab and Catahoula Leopard dog; he has some spotting on his back and rump, which you can't see in the photo. He is super sweet... but having a puppy is a little like having a baby again... night time whining and mopping up of puddles! Actually he is doing very well and Naomi has done 90% of the work, so I can't complain.
Stay tuned... I haven't forgotten about the "graduation post".

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