Friday, October 19, 2012

A peek at our school week ...

With October more than half gone, we have fallen into a pretty good routine with our studies. Here is a peek at what is going on in our house.

Physical Science ~ playing with peroxide, yeast and fire!

Computerized math curriculum ~ it teaches, grades and keeps records; so great!
Reading history, in costume ~ Naomi dug up this costume from the garage, made for one of her big sisters 20+ years ago!
Naomi's zoology collages
Hard at work!
The "stash" under the desk!
Touche speech and debate team. Lucas is front row far left (in the red sneakers)

1 comment:

  1. Olinda this brings back such wonderful memories of years gone by. Your two are certainly growing quickly and it looks like they are doing well with their schooling; the group photo is wonderful-I wonder if it is an independent group.
    Blessings on your week and happy fall-reminds me of having tea with Wendy and you.
