Sometimes life gets so busy just "living" it, that there's not much time for "recording" it. Such has been the last two months for all of us. Below are some photos that will bring my blog a little bit up-to-date!
We enjoyed a beautiful Resurrection Day brunch outdoors in our backyard with all the family.
Everyone brought yummy food to share! |
A gorgeous day! |
Flowers from the yard. |
Our two "expecting" gals! |
Timothy & Jessica |
Grand kids enjoying brunch |
Little Man! |
Little Guy! |
The first of the month we took a trip to the San Francisco Zoo with some of the kids and grand kids, but the two big events of May were a 10 day trip to Canada for Lucas, Naomi and myself and a 12 day stay in the hospital for Bob, who underwent heart surgery for an aortic root repair.
A picnic lunch at the zoo. |
There was a new baby in the gorilla family. |
Grooming a goat with Grandpa. |
A close encounter with a ferret. |
I think this little "monkey" was trying to make a get away! |
Hanging out in the Zoo's adventure playground. |
Miss M. celebrated her 4th birthday just before we left for Canada. Here she is with her new doll stroller. |
In Canada we celebrated birthdays and cleaned out crawl spaces and scrubbed patios and planted flowers. We also found time for some walks in the park and feeding the ducks at the lake. It was so good to see my dad better than he's been in the past 3 years!
We celebrated my uncle's 90th birthday with ice cream sundaes in the care home where he resides. |
I had the joy of celebrating both Mother's Day and my dad's birthday with Mom & Dad this year! |
This is just a part of the "crawl space" project! Lucas gets most of the credit for this job! |
Some flowers for Mom & Dad's patio. |
Love this picture of my dad in his rubber boots, shorts, Hawaiian shirt and driving cap! When you've acquired the status of 80+ years, you get to create your own fashion statements! |
An outing to the park. |
I was home from Canada for less than 24 hours before heading to San Francisco for Bob's scheduled surgery. Heart surgery is a big event and when we encountered some complications his hospital stay extended to 12 days. We had some stressful, scary moments but as always, God was faithful and we experienced many blessings along the way. Bob is still recovering and will be for a number of months, but everyday we are seeing progress and the family has been such a support team, both in the business and on the home front. Truly we are blessed!
5 AM arriving at the hospital on surgery day. |
Jordan with his dad several hours after coming out of surgery. |
First Steps! |
Making progress!
San Francisco skyline from the hospital window. |
Bob is spending his days recovering and the rest of us are trying to catch up on the mundane things like school work and yard work and bookkeeping. We have also just celebrated our 3 guys' June birthdays!
Well this gives you all the condensed version of our last two months. We are looking forward to a relaxed, slow-paced summer as we take life "one day at a time"!
Bob at home with a "get well" care package. |
Cute cookies! |
Little Guy celebrated 1 year! |
Lucas and Jordan, our other June birthday guys! |
It's nice to be at home and a part of the family's life activities again!