Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happenings at our House...

We have had a very busy spring and there seems to always be something on the go here. I thought I'd post a few photos from the last couple of weeks.

We hosted a bridal shower here for my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. The bride's sister and friends did a beautiful job decorating with teapots, roses, beloved books, and cute chalkboards lettered with quotes from books and songs.

We have been enjoying roses from the garden. I love to cut and bring them inside to enjoy!
Timothy and Jessica have been working on a bed they are refinishing.

I have planted some flower pots for the wedding.
The kids are continuing with their riding lessons.
I finished the knitted baby blanket for Angela and Crandon's little one (who seems to be reluctant to make an appearance).
This pretty swallowtail showed up on the patio the other day!
Naomi and I turned out 16 dozen cookies this morning. Some will fill lunch boxes over the next couple of weeks, some will be enjoyed for afternoon snacking and some will be in the freezer for company arriving in a few weeks!
Pretty silverware (the disposable kind) all bundled for the upcoming wedding!
Check back in a day or two for Lucas's big debut!


  1. Hi my friend, Oh how I love seeing the happenings in your neck of the woods. What a pretty setting for the bridal shower-love your roses. Carrie is due on the 8th and we almost expect a call this next weekend. She makes labor and birthing look so easy; praying Angela sails through it easily too. I'm wondering where your kiddos take riding lessons-boy does it bring back memories.
    My love to you Olinda and to yours.

    1. Noreen, we are so blessed to have a daughter-in-law who teaches riding. Jordan and Becky have 2 horses and have just built a riding arena on her parents' property which is where they also live. Both Lucas and Naomi are enjoying riding.
