Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Zoo...

Years ago we made many visits to the SF Zoo. When our older children were toddlers we had an annual membership and would frequently meet up with cousins and grandparents at the zoo. Eventually as the oldest ones grew and cousins moved farther away our trips to the zoo came to a halt, meaning our youngest two had never had that experience. Well now we have grown kids and grand kids and one of them has a zoo membership and invited Lucas, Naomi and me to join them for a day at the zoo.

It was fun to see how many things have not changed at all, but also how many things have under gone major renovation. We had a perfect day except for the fact that we lingered longer than planned and paid the price by coming home in rush hour traffic!

Here are some photos from our day:

Peacocks abounded all over the zoo; this one proudly showed us his colorful plumage.
 We didn't get to see a single kangaroo hop; they all were lazily lounging in the sun!
  The lemurs were very active and vocal and fun to watch.
 I think this little guy wanted to go a different direction!
 Grizzly bears and Polar bears

Beautiful flamingos!
Miss Naomi posing on a "safe" hippo!
This unusual green footed creature kept tagging along with us...
 ...so we put him to work!
This little guy was "reading" all about the lemurs!
I have no idea what these trees are, but they look like something from a Dr. Seuss book!
Lucas, checking our his "wing span" compared to the bald eagle's.
Naomi photoed this guy who was waiting diligently to see if we would drop any of our lunch!
We have many photos of our older kids riding this same carousel!
This was definitely my favorite "exhibit" to watch at the Zoo!

A parting shot... 
we will be looking forward to another visit to see all the things we missed this time around!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a fun day! I have such fond memories of our trips to the zoo.
